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Our Mission:

Our mission is to help our community live with vitality through specific Chiropractic Care.  We are here to educate, empower, and remind you that each of us is born with the ability to heal from within. Our main focus is to restore the body's healing capability so that we can put all of ourselves towards our own missions and passions.

What is Chiropractic?

Most of us associate chiropractic with neck and back pain, and for good reason, chiropractic results in less pain in the spine.  In fact, most people seek out a chiropractor for relief from pain.  Yet, what we know is that GOOD chiropractic care enhances the overall health and function of the body.  


The current research tells us that the spine is like the antenna of the brain.  The majority of stimulation to the brain is through the spine and when our spines are misaligned (or Subluxated), the normal signals traveling from the brain to the body and from the body back to the brain cannot properly function, resulting in not only pain but a variety of health concerns including but not limited to:


  • headaches/ migraines

  • neck pain

  • vertigo

  • decreased range of motion

  • allergies

  • digestion (IBS, Crohn's, diverticulitis, etc...)

  • low back pain

  • sciatica

  • sprain/strains





So how can Turning Point Chiropractic help improve YOUR health?


Dr. Arnold specializes in neurologically-based chiropractic which means his focus will be on what is CAUSING your aches/ pains/ or discomfort rather than finding a way to just cover them up. 


Once we have completed a full picture of your current health status as well as spinal alignment, we will create a customized corrective plan of action for both spinal and neurological correction.  Not only do we want our practice members to experience a pain-free lifestyle but, more importantly, achieve optimal health.




  • osteoarthritis

  • high blood pressure

  • fatigue/ stress

  • carpal tunnel

  • spinal degeneration

  • numbness/ tingling in the arms or legs

  • TMJ dysfunction

  • scoliosis

  • and many more...

What is Chiropractic
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